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  • Anshu Bhatia
    Writing is her passion and she loves penning down her thoughts

Feeling Stressed or Anxious? Here Are 10 Tips to Improve Mental Health and Well Being !


According to the World Health Organization, Mental health is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

A healthy mind is imperative to handle the pressure and challenges of our routine life with ease and confidence.

Boost your mental well-being and feel the difference by following these few simple steps.

1. Take good care of yourself

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and staying active. Both physical and mental health is closely linked; it’s easier to feel well from inside if your body feels good. Exercising daily is good, maybe at the gym or at home. But it is not necessary to follow the gym routine always. You can stay active and fit by doing any physical activity like swimming, walking, gardening, dancing and doing household chores is also one of the best exercises one can opt. You get the work done and you stay fit! Double whammy! Combine physical activity with a balanced & nutritious diet that would help keep your body and mind feeling good.

2. Build strong connections

Yes, it is important to connect and talk to people. You need people to support you and enrich your life as it is not possible to do everything alone. But always choose quality over quantity. Trust me you don’t need a lot of people to be with; just those who would impact your life in a positive way and in turn affect your well-being. You would surely see the difference when you invest in strong and meaningful relationships.

3. Share hobbies, activities & interests

Join a club or group of people who share your hobbies and interests. Being part of a group with like-minded people who love what you love to do is great for your mental health as it gives you a sense of belonging and you are not left alone. There are various options available these days .You can join a book club, a karaoke group, a walking or cycling group and even a food club .The list is endless.

4. Set aside some enjoyment time:

‘All work & no play, makes Jack a dull boy’. An old saying and I’m sure you don’t want to be Jack.It is imperative to set aside some time for hobbies, activities and interests that you enjoy. Be creative & spontaneous and never let your age bar you from what you love to do. Spend time with your family, play with your children, spend quality time with your spouse, go out on nature walks, paint, sing, do whatever that makes you happy.

5. Volunteer for a noble cause

We live in a society that has a lot of issues and concerns and by lending a helping hand you can at least help resolve some of them. When you help someone without any selfish cause or motive you feel good from within, your mind is happy. If you make an effort to improve the lives of others who need help and support, you are sure to improve your life too.



6. Sleep well

It is very important toget plenty of sleep. A good sleep restores your mind and body. So avoid going to sleep late and get a proper night’s sleep to feel refreshed the next day. If you don’t sleep well, you would end up feeling very lethargic the next day and would not be able concentrate. Take proper rest and breaks even during the day so that you are not fatigued.

7. Handle stress

It is not possible to lead a stress free life, but you need to be aware of how to handle this stress. It is important that you know what exactly triggers your stress levels and once you know the reason you should try and avoid it. Handle stress by staying calm and figuring out a solution to get rid of the same. Don’t make stress overpower you because then it would pose a threat to your mental well-being. A good and balanced lifestyle can help you manage stress well . Meditation & Yoga are great mechanisms that would help you take care of your stress issues.

8. Ask for support &help

Admit it! You are no super man or woman who does not need help. It can become both mentally & physically challenging to try and do everything on your own .So reach out to those who can help you in your routine chores or if you need some help or support in your difficult times.You make take the help of your friends and relatives to maybe take care of your child when you are away or get groceries for you on days you are too busy .We all face challenges in our life and by asking for help we can try and handle them just a little better

9. Accept Challenges

It is good to challenge yourself. Set a new goal or learn something new .Such challenges are really good for your mental well-being .It helps you gain more confidence to handle the daily challenges. Try learning a new recipe or some form of art or maybe you can set a fitness target.

10. Learn to enjoy the moment

We end up doing so many things but not really enjoying them. Relax and take a moment to enjoy. Feel the beauty in all that you do and whatever is around you. Try and just be in the moment and enjoy it. Being aware of both your inner and outer world and trying to enjoy these moments are very healthy for your mental well-being.

A happy mind will lead to a happy soul.


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