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  • Aqib Nazir
    Avid Technologist - Freelance Web Developer - Entrepreneur - Blogger

“I Will Never Know, but My Wife Always Will!” A New Father’s Confession


The stereotypical image of men portrays them as the strong macho ones. But trust me when it comes to pregnancy, even we give our macho-titles to our beloved wives. , the joy of having a child cannot be put into words.

Just like every other parent when I learned about my wife’s pregnancy, I was high on a mixture of intense emotions, followed by few worrisome thoughts. Thoughts like what is exactly going to happen?

How do I care for the baby from the outside? What if something goes wrong, how am I supposed to fix it?

Gradually, after a whole lot of common sense and reading, I came to draw out one conclusion:

I will never know, but my wife will always know it.

During the whole pregnancy phase, first-time parents are ecstatic and tend to obsess over everything. However, sometimes they seem to miss the bigger picture and get tangled in temporary worries. For instance, during the whole baby shopping, there is a good chance that the mother might be exhausting herself over a cradle or pair of socks. This brings me to my point, that yes, this is the most memorable time of your lives but ladies, you should think about yourself as well. Not to put more pressure on you, but you women are the strength of men. Without you, we won’t know how to deal with many things we face in our lives.

And when you are pregnant, we just need to see you well, healthy and happy. If, for instance, we see you in low mood, it depresses us even more. Although, such depression during pregnancy is normal, but witnessing it while the love of your life carries your own child is something which can throw anyone off the sanity-cliff.

So whether it is your doctor’s appointment, your sudden craving, or just a general mood swing, if you let us in and tell us, we will feel thrilled to be a part of the journey as well. Now as the mother of the child, your instincts work differently than ours, this is why even we men trust you more at almost everything and make you the commander-in-chief.


However, this does not mean that the men should just sit back and let the ladies to the work. Remember, every woman is a reflection her man and when she’s carrying a child in her womb, you have to carry the child in your mind.
Be as supportive as you can be and look after her. Ask questions if you feel lost, monitor her, see if your partner is exhausted or down, remind her to eat healthy and compliment her as much as you can.

Yes, she might give you the death-stares or random “I hate you” looks every time you try to appear protective, at the end of the day she will love it. And while you are at it, you may notice your partner change, physically and emotionally, but this is where you have to show the respect you have for her. Be patient and listen to her, talk to her, be the man and plan one step ahead of her. So that when the actual birth time comes, you know what your partner exactly wants. Be prepared and educated and work out a birth plan in advance with your wife, so that you would know what to do at the time of labor.

In the end, I would just like to say that as proud parents, when your witness your mini-humans, your baby – all your effort, pain, planning and time will pay off and you would go through all of it once again, in a blink of an eye.


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