
Health Queries


OoWomaniya - Karkinos - Cancer Protection
OoWomaniya - Karkinos - HPV DNA Test
OoWomaniya - Thyrocare Lab Test at the comfort of home

Menopause And Role of Husbands and Children

Done as a part of her final graduation project at NID by Pooja Vasu who was part of Team OoWomaniya as a Visual Communication Designer.

The movie talks about the very much neglected topic of Menopause. Just as puberty and pregnancy, menopause is a very important stage in a woman’s life.

This movie is an attempt to make menopause less lonely of an island by sharing stories of different women, husbands and children about how Menopause affected their lives for good or bad.

Dr. Darshna Thakker throws more light on symptoms of menopause, a woman’s mental state while she is going through that phase and the emotional support she needs from her family and close friends.




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