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5 Grandmother’s Recipes To Stay Fit In This Pandemic

Ever since Covid-19 had hit the ground, suddenly everyone is working on their immune system. Although it’s a good thing that everyone is for once taking care of themselves. Anywhere you look around, you will most certainly witness people working on their immunity in various ways.

Many preventive measures have been implemented. The use of masks and sanitizers have become a compulsion. Social distancing has come into picture which has to be strictly followed. All these things are just precautionary measures that have become a new routine.

However, even in this 21st century, when a pandemic has hit us, it is the classic grandmother’s recipes that are coming handy. The use of natural elements which was being neglected all this time, has now come to the rescue. Everyone is turning towards the old classics which will help our body stay fit.

We will help you with 5 grandmother’s recipes to stay fit in this pandemic. All of the following are really easy to prepare and will take minimum time. Just pick up the ingredients and you can trust these as it’s all natural. You should surely give it a shot, do try these out.

Neem Leaves

For a human body, neem helps out in many ways. From good skin to a healthy stomach, it works wonders for our body. Today we’re looking towards neem for immunity to fight the deadly virus. Neem has antibacterial properties, it fights all the germs and viruses and keeps our body safe.

You can use neem in a variety of ways. You can simply consume a glass of neem juice every morning. If you think that juice will be very bitter for you and you won’t be able to consume that, don’t worry. You can also smash some neem leaves and jaggery together and consume it. The sweetness of jaggery will help balance bitterness out and jaggery has its own benefits.


Ever since we were children, each of us has consumed kadha that our grandma’s prepared for us. We never liked it as a child but now it is helping us out. A kadha has many elements that are just best for our body. Even if there’s no pandemic, if this kadha is consumed it helps keep us healthy.

As a child we never knew what was in there. But it’s not that difficult to make. Boil some water with tea leaves and little sugar. Then add a lot of ginger and bring a boil. After that add some black pepper, a pinch of cinnamon powder, some tulsi leaves and squeeze half a lime in it. Boil these things and consume it hot, let your esophagus feel the heat.

Tulsi Leaves

Just like neem, the benefits of tulsi leaves are endless. The holy basil works for our body in wondrous of ways. Most of the families in India always have a plant of tulsi in their houses. You just saw that tulsi leaves are also used in the kadha. Similarly you can consume it in many ways.

You can simply consume the tulsi leaves solely every morning. It does not even taste bitter. Tulsi can also be added to tea. You can also smash some ginger and tulsi leaves together and add a little honey to it. Consume this and your cough related problems will vanish. You can also simply drink some water with tulsi leaves in it.


Citrus is basically vitamin C. Everyone knows the role of vitamin C in boosting our immunity. Any food that has vitamin C can help boost your immune function. Consume a glass of orange juice everyday in the morning or squeeze a lemon in warm water. You can also include foods like broccoli, guavas, pineapples in your diet as all of these are rich in vitamin C.


Ginger is also something which has numerous benefits. This too is a high source of vitamin C but we’ve mentioned it separately because it benefits us in a lot of other ways. Consumption of ginger helps boost the immune system. You can use ginger with honey. Ginger is also used while preparing kadha. You can also add ginger to the soups. The best way is to add ginger to warm water and squeeze a lemon.



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