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Babywearing – The Benefits your Infant or Toddler Reaps From Being Held Close


Babywearing simply means holding your baby in your arms with the help of a carrier.

Babywearing has been practiced for centuries but it has recently gained popularity in the modern world.

We carry our babies for 9 months in a womb while pregnant. In womb, they’re warm and safe and our heartbeat is their constant companion. But when the baby is born, it’s a whole new world for them and for us too. This is where babywearing can do wonders. It brings our little ones back to us.

Babywearing gives both the child and the mother that closeness again, while also providing baby with numerous benefits for their development, both physically and emotionally. Babywearing is also encouraged among the fathers and other care givers to the child.

Benefits of babywearing –

  1. Strengthens bond between the caregiver and the baby, as they maintain the closeness throughout the day. The first three months called the “4th trimester” can be very demanding for you and hard for the baby. Babywearing is a blessing especially in those initial months.
  2. Aids in baby’s development, both physically and emotionally. A carried baby is generally calmer thanks to all of her primary needs being met.
  3. Decreases risk of SIDS and flat-head syndrome, while promoting neural development, respiratory and gastrointestinal health, and aiding in balance. It diminishes episodes of colic and reflux which means happy healthy baby.
  4. Allows breastfeeding to be done on the go, and discreetly too. Makes the caregiver more confident to step out of the house and socialize as well. Skin-to-skin and prolonged closeness helps increase breast milk production too.
  5. Allows caregivers to be hands-free while baby is in the carrier and promotes exploring, discovering and navigating safely and easily without having to manage a stroller. Caregivers can easily do their day to day activities without depending on anyone to look after their baby.
  6. Promotes early language development. Babies learn by watching faces and exploring the world and babywearing puts your little one at conversational height too.
  7. Carried babies sleep better when they are held close to their caregiver and also cry less than non worn babies. Movement calms them quicker.
  8. Baby Toddlers too need to be held. Their little feet get tired easily and they do ask to be carried. Also, it’s easier to handle them while you are in a busy market, crossing road, going on a trek etc.



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