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How Diet can Help You in Stress Management?


The ubiquitous stress has taken up the role as a major culprit around whom most of the lifestyle associated disorders like Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases and Obesity swivels. If stress reaches beyond a manageable point, and you begin to feel that it’s getting out of your control or causing a change in your very identity, you are likely to be suffering from chronic STRESS.

Diet and stress share a deep dark relationship. When one is stressed they find themselves either, eating too much or having fewer intakes than necessary. For some, commonly referred to as ‘the emotional eaters’ they eat to fill an emotional void or simply a reaction to stress, it becomes an addiction for example: chocolates, coffee, tea etc. or eating at erratic hours like mid-night snacking. Wrong diet contributes to increasing stress but correct dietary changes helps in reducing it. There is more than just body weight or your “looks” at stake here; the arteries, joints, bone density, blood pressure, and heart health are all determined to a great extent by the kind of diet one takes. Therefore, a diet of nutrient dense foods needs to be followed to curb the ill effects of stress.

Nitrogen, the base of the body’s protein, is excreted more under stress. So protein intake should be maintained when you feel you’re undergoing a period of stress. Include sprouted legumes, soy products & whey water in your diet.

Vitamin-C is important as it keeps the walls of the capillaries flexible. The blood vessels constrict at the first sign of stress, and this results in the depletion of vitamin-C in the body.

Vitamin-B serves as a catalyst in the production of energy, and in the metabolism of protein & fats. It is also necessary for the central nervous system. In conditions of stress (especially physical), supplements are advisable.

Potassium is essential for maintaining the balance of minerals within body fluids & plays a key role in muscle contraction. Include loads of fruits & vegetables in your diet as they are high potassium & low sodium foods. Be sure to get enough calcium, as you tend to lose it when you are stressed.


Five small meals are easier on the digestive system than three big ones. The additional small meals can take the form of afternoon or bedtime snacks. Food at regular intervals prevents acidic problems, aids in digestion and maintains blood glucose levels. Fried and oily foods such as dry snacks, crackers, potato chips, banana wafers, salted nuts, salted butter popcorn and papad should be kept out of reach. Stay away from salt preserved foods (pickles, ketchup, chutneys, etc.), processed cheese, salted butter & white bread. Let alone any food containing baking powder or baking soda. Caffeine, nicotine & alcohol are stress-stimulants. Drink only moderate amounts of coffee & tea. To flush waste products out of the body one should have 6-8 glasses of water every day.

Guidelines of good health

  • Eat as much natural foods as you can
  • Stick to moderation when it comes to the “S” food ingredients in your diet.






  • Enjoy Rainbow platter


                Legumes & Pulses




Fats & oils depending on your daily eating behavior and physical activity

  • Increase your physical activity.
  • Drink enough water – 6/8 glasses of water daily (besides other fluids)
  • Keep distance…..!!!

Avoid trigger foods (fried & oily food, bakery products)

  • Think before you drink carbonated drinks
  • Concentrate on each bite. Savor and enjoy your food
  • Do not eat randomly
  • Try to differentiate between an urge to eat and true hunger 

Remember, it’s not the food but the habit


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