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How I Met My Daughter! A Tale of Hope and Victory over Infertility!


The word Infertility brings an image of a woman in plight, across our minds. But can Infertility be a boon? I know this question may amuse you but I am coping this problem for past five years and this question has helped me as a person.

I had conceived just a month after my marriage. As this seemed a shock of my life, destiny had other plans for me. Celebration of my pregnancy were not over yet, I had a 12 weeks abortion. Being born and bought up in a conservative and orthodox family, my only job after marriage was to produce and raise kids, which I failed at terribly. Friends, family, relatives, neighbors, known and unknown – All people seemed to have just a single topic to discuss. My Pregnancy! Each time anyone shot a question to me about it, I felt something tumbling down inside me. The sympathetic look on people’s face for me tore my soul apart.

My struggle to get out of this problem got me into number of other problems. From healthy, fun loving, bindass girl, I had transformed to depressed and a very sensitive person.

Top notch gynecologist, two failed IVF attempts, Homoeopathy, Allopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Hakeems, Temples, Shrines, Black magic, babas, peers, nimbu mirchi- Everything failed miserably!

In quest of becoming pregnant quickly, I got myself into Hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovary banner_COUNSELLORSyndrome, Left Ovary Cyst, Fallopian tube blockage, and I also gained a lot of weight and became over weight. 

Five years of struggle was having its effect on my marriage too. My only way of taking out my frustration was my punching bag – My Husband. I cut myself from the world, sat in a locked room away from taunting vamps, unwanted advisers, supporters, everyone. Looking at a child playing with his mother would made me cry for hours. And finally, I started thinking of committing suicide. But thank god for my strongest support through my ordeal, my MOTHER.

After a lot of consultation, support and help from my loved ones, I coped up with my Infertility.

Be Positive

I know this sounds too cliche. But this is the only mantra. I started reading books, that helped in instilling positive outlook in me. Having faith in God, helps one a lot especially the famous quote; ‘Destiny has some plans for you’.

Communicating and making new friends

● Yes, there are people who are interested in you, rather than your pregnancy

Love your body, love yourself

Don’t take the grudge on your body. Stop experimenting with your body and listening to each person’s advice. Exercise to look great, take care of ones skin. Feel good.

Relax and unwind

Take the pressure of yourself. Join a hobby class, start a business, go on a vacation. Do anything to divert your mind and enjoy life, cause its valuable.

Bring back the spark

Relive and reignite the romance in your life. Stop and think, your partner is also suffering, its not only you. Cherish his love. Appreciate his support and love back unconditionally.

Accept the truth

Life doesn’t end if your infertile. Everyone doesn’t gets everything. Its not a big deal. If it has to happen, it will happen. You tried everything, you did your job. Now, let time and destiny do its job. Everything happens for good.

I know after reading my article, you may seem irritated and feel like punching my face. Even, I felt the same, when someone advised me about my situation. But I forgot what I wanted, about my problems, people’s reaction and I started enjoying what I had.

I had discontinued all my medication, and had accepted that I am infertile and the blessing of being a mother may not ever happen for me. I stepped out of my dark room to face the world and I started living life again.

Today, I’m a mother of nine month year daughter, who is very naughty but because of my five year long wait, which made me patient, I could bear it with all smile and joy.


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