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I Made A Choice of Being A Working Mom and I Am Proud of It


I never knew how much love my heart could hold until she called me “mommy”.

–          Dr. Kavita Saxena

Dear Working Mothers,

It’s high time that you come out of the guilt of being away from your child the whole day. I am too, like most of you, often judged for leaving my child in the care of others to fulfill my professional commitments. But remember, we are away not for our own comfort or enjoyment but we are also struggling hard to earn every single penny to give our children a good quality of life and a secure future.  And it is not always about money, sometimes it is about your career and your own personal identity too.

I am not saying that every woman needs to juggle or make a choice between her career and motherhood. It’s completely matter of personal choice and convenience and family values. But I somehow do not agree with making women guilty of working after attaining motherhood! Do we the do the same to the fathers??

working-mom-promptI tell you, going back to work is not at all easy especially when your child is sick or she needs some help in her nursery lesson or sometimes she just needs you around. Have you ever heard a child calling her father in the middle of the day to know where her doll’s dress is? I am sure like me; you all must be getting daily calls from your children any time of the day when you are busy attending a meeting or making important client presentations. My daughter knows that I am just a call away to answer any query that comes to her little inquisitive mind. Take pride in the multiple roles that you perform fabulously. We are a chef, a chauffeur, a helper and a one-point-solution to every family member’s needs. And doing all this is not an easy job!!!

I made a choice of being a working mom and I am proud of it. I don’t remember a day in my life as a mom when I have enjoyed the wonderful feeling of pressing the “snooze” button when my alarm rings at 5:00 in the morning. I don’t remember a day when I agreed for a night out with friends or a birthday bash of a colleague after working hours because I know there is a part of me at home eagerly waiting to hug me. I don’t remember the weekend when for the last time I had got my pedicure done or a relaxing massage because all I do on weekends is cleaning the house, playing with my kid, taking her for the weekly outing and any time left after this goes into fulfilling family’s social obligations.

Amidst all this, I have learned to juggle by going through the whole gamut of emotions. Over all these years, I have tried to be the best mom to my child. Sometimes I have failed, but most of the time I have succeeded. Maybe my house is messy, but my child is happy. My heart melts at her excited squeals and uncontrolled hand waves when I leave for work but the warmth of her hugs and the sparkle in her eyes to see me return makes my day.

So all the wonderful working mommies out there, don’t treat your career choice as a reluctant effort hampering your journey of motherhood. Rather enjoy every bit of it.


A Proud Working Mom

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