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What’s Does That Brown Discharge Before and After Your Period?


Vaginal discharge is normal and varies during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (the release of the egg), there is a lot of mucous produced, up to 30 times more than after ovulation. It is also more watery and elastic during that phase of your cycle. You may want to wear panty liners during that time. The things to be worried about include if the discharge has a yellow or green color, is clumpy like cottage cheese, or has a bad odor. If you are worried, see a doctor.

Brown discharge after period is fairly common and usually means that there is old menstrual blood getting cleaned out. Noticing some light to dark brown spotting after your period has ended doesn’t always mean there is something to worry about. Many women experience some dark spotting after their period as part of their regular menstrual cycle.

What is Brown Discharge?

Because regular vaginal discharge is clear or milky white, many women are worried when they notice brown discharge or dark spotting before or after their periods. Even thick white discharge is normal for many women as long as there is no discharge odour with it. Thankfully, brown discharge doesn’t usually mean anything is wrong.

Common Causes of Brown Discharge After Period

1. Ovulation

Brown discharge that occurs 7 to 14 days after your period could mean that you are ovulating. Usually, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, and about 2 weeks after the start of your monthly cycle your body will release an egg. However, the menstrual cycle may be shorter or longer depending on what is regular for you.

2. Implantation spotting

Another reason for noticing small spots of rusty brown-colored discharge after your period is implantation bleeding. Although not all women experience implantation bleeding as an early sign of pregnancy, some light bleeding is normal and nothing to be worried about. Along with brown spotting, you may notice an increase in milky white discharge and have some implantation cramping.

If the brown discharge doesn’t result in a period, you should take a pregnancy test and look for other early signs of pregnancy.

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3. Birth Control

Birth control can cause some small amounts of brown discharge between your periods, especially in the first few months. The brown spotting or discharge can occur when taking birth control pills or after having an intrauterine device fitted.

4. Stress

You might notice brown discharge when you don’t expect your period if you have been under a lot of stress. Intense stress over a period of time can cause changes in your hormones that can result in irregular dark brown spotting.

5. Perimenopause

As you approach the menopause, your periods become less regular and this can cause some brown discharge after your period. Irregular periods or a light menstrual flow can mean that blood isn’t expelled quickly. This can cause brown spotting at the end or after your period.

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6. Uterine fibroids

Another abnormality of the reproductive system that can result in brown discharge after your period is uterine fibroids. These are noncancerous growths in the uterus that can cause some light brown discharge a week or so after your period.

As you can see, brown discharge is usually all well and good, but sometimes it’s worth telling your doctor in case something else is going on. If you’re at all concerned, or even just curious, mention it to your gynecologist so they can investigate. At the very least, talking about it with them will probably help you understand your vagina a little better, and that’s always a good thing.


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Check out Dr. Nita Thakre from  Expert Panel talking about the much less discussed topic of Vaginal Discharge & Intimate Hygiene –


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