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” Women NOT Objects ” A Campaign Calling Out Against Objectification Of Women’s Bodies by Advertisements

Women Not ObjectsThis 2.42 seconds powerful video is strongly narrating the harm caused by objectification of women by media, advertising magazines, fashion trends, celebrity fads basically messing up with popular culture and emotional health of millions of young girls and women.

” Women Not Objects “ is a campaign that has started a momentum to appeal women and men alike to STAND UP against objectification of women by popular media and ads and stupid, illogical trends like “the thigh gap“, “Size Zero Fad” and the so called must have by every naive teen girl -“Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge“.

These foolish and preposterous trends have affected body image and self esteem of so many women, making them feel incomplete, making themselves feel like a “project” that has always to be upgraded. Women are NOT JUST THEIR BODIES. They need to been seen as a human, a subject not an object. They need to be seen, not just for their bodies but for what they are, who they are and what they can achieve.


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