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Yes, I Got My Daughter by Fertility Treatment, No – I’M Not Ashamed of It

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YES! I have conceived through fertility treatment. So what if we decided to undergo treatment for having baby. I wanted a baby, my gynecologist guided me, God supported me, my family was by my side and it clicked.

Despite of having the best fertility treatments in India, women still shy away from taking help from fertility treatments. Why?

Because somewhere in our conservative minds we still have the thought that conceiving naturally is the best way to have a child.

Does conceiving naturally make us true women?

OR Is it required to assert a man’s masculinity?

No, it doesn’t. And it shouldn’t.

For those couples who have been married since years & are desperate to have a child, these treatments bring a 20150616-nutrition-promptray of hope in their life.

I and my husband also waited for 4 long years to conceive. But destiny had other plans. We had to undergo the treatment way. But definitely I am not ashamed of accepting it or taking the treatment. The result is a beautiful daughter we have in our life today.

Our lives being so hectic and so stressful, sometimes it just gets too difficult for one to conceive, apart from other health issues. Then why such a long wait.

I had read somewhere that the average age for conceiving has dropped to 31 from 39 years. Every 1 in 4 women of age 35 or older have trouble conceiving.

With premature menopause occurring at 40 years of age, it has become even more devastating for women to marry and have children late.

So friends, if you have been trying for a long time and have still not conceived, if your doctor suggests you the treatment way – then believe in God and go the scientific way, to experience the beautiful feeling of parenthood. And be proud of it to suggest the same to others.


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