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Pros and Cons of Vaginal Delivery and Cesarean Childbirth – Pregnancy Care


Anticipating your big day anytime soon? Hey mom-to-be, we are equally excited about the new life that’s going to touch the world through you! Hope that you are enjoying your pregnancy. Which birthing option are you considering?

What are the options and what are the risks involved in each of them? Read on to find out more!

While most of all aspire to go for a natural childbirth, a cesarean delivery becomes inevitable for those who are sensitive to physical pain. Moreover, considering the sedentary lifestyle of today’s youth, C-section is gaining more popularity among moms-to-be. But before we delve into the pros and cons of these procedures, let’s understand each type of delivery in a thorough manner.

A vaginal delivery is the most natural way of delivery where a baby comes out from your vaginal opening. It is the most favored process since there is less medical and surgical intervention and the recovery is faster. It won’t leave your body with incision marks or scars. Also, along with the baby, the necessary fluids will be expelled out of your body and the baby will ingest protective bacteria that will boost its immune system. There will be lesser complications and more chances of the child being born healthy.

However, there are a certain downsides to vaginal delivery as well. There is increased risk of incontinence and loosening of the vagina which may cause problems in your sexual life. Urinary incontinence affects women especially in older age where they face issues in controlling their urination. Also, you won’t be able to schedule your delivery which will leave you in a constant state of anxiety and stress.

In a C-section, a surgical cut is made through your abdominal wall and uterus. A caesarean delivery reduces your rate of incontinence. You exactly know when your baby is due and you can plan things around the big day accordingly. Your vagina remains intact and the chances of suffering from sexual problems will be minimal. Albeit, caesarean delivery has its own stumbling blocks. The recovery process takes a longer time since you have just been operated and there is greater blood loss. The anaesthesia used puts a threat on your health and well-being and may develop complications. The baby might not be mature enough to come out of the womb which puts the health of the baby at risk. There is a possibility of miscalculating the due date.

In a nutshell, we suggest you to consult with your doctor and see what suits your health the best. Safe delivery should be the ultimate objective. Good luck sister!


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