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Period Tips for Trans and Non-binary Menstruators


Menstruation is a biological function; it’s not a “woman thing.” It’s an experience that can be highly variable, and mean different things to different people. It’s not necessary to gender body parts or bodily functions. We can demystify and destigmatize menstruation without shutting anyone out.

Talking about menstruation is important because it helps to dismantle cultures of shame and misinformation that have been around for thousands of years. It can be incredibly empowering to exchange ideas, experiences and information about periods. At the same time, it can be alienating for those who are left out of the discussion.

Some women don’t have periods due to menopause, stress, disease or a hysterectomy. They may have never started menstruating due to a variety of medical conditions or they may be transgender or intersex. At the same time, there are people who menstruate who aren’t women. They might be trans men, intersex, genderqueer or use another term like non-binary.

Here are a few period tips for all the unique menstruators,

1.Try to use period products that come from considerate companies

There are quite a few companies that now take trans/nonbinary people into consideration when it comes to packaging, marketing and describing their products. Using sanitary products that come from companies you know have your best interests at heart really makes using those products feel less awful. Because you feel valid as a trans person using that product and because they’re made for people who get periods rather than being labeled as “feminine products.”

2. Support from loved ones

A support network can come in all shapes and sizes. It could be cis friends who have your back, trans/nonbinary friends who can empathize, a partner who knows exactly what you need or an online community that makes you feel a little less alone. There are tons of groups online for trans/non-binary folks.

3. Consider suppressing your period altogether

For a lot of trans guys and nonbinary people, taking testosterone is a key step in helping them feel like themselves. It also helps to naturally stop menstruation from occurring once you’re taking enough regularly. But what can people do if they aren’t interested in testosterone or are unable to take T for whatever reason?

There are a number of ways you can suppress your period. There are a variety of birth-control methods you can explore; the pill, the coil and the implant are just the main ones. But if you’re considering period suppression, you should explore the method that’s right for you.


4. Try & joke about it

If you can find it in yourself to laugh about your period, it gives menstruating less power over you and is less likely to cause you as much upset. Laughing about it isn’t always easy, but it helps.

5. Talk about it

There are so few trans/non-binary people who feel comfortable talking about their periods because we’re ashamed we get them in the first place. But if we start the conversation, we can all pitch in to help each other feel less alone, and we can even help to normalize the idea that it isn’t just women who get periods. We aren’t helping anyone by suffering in silence.

“I Am a Woman Who Was Not Given My Womanhood When I was Born” – Shilok Mukkati, RJ, Poet & Transgender Activist


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